Micro Wedding in Connecticut
real wedding Tzo Ai Ang real wedding Tzo Ai Ang

Micro Wedding in Connecticut

Alison and Aaron had to adjust their wedding plans due to COVID-19. Their original wedding date was October 3, 2020 and they were committed to getting married that day. Instead of the larger wedding we had original planned which simply was not possible due to state mandates on events, we moved to planning a micro wedding for 37 guests in her family backyard in Connecticut. I started working on this new plan with 8 weeks to go until the big day. There was a lot to do with hiring of new vendors and adjusting our needs with our current vendors.

Her parents have a beautiful home in Connecticut with gorgeous lawns at the front and back of the house. It made for such beautiful wedding pictures! After reviewing the many lovely options on where to place the events with the Greenwich Tent Company, we settled on keeping the festivities close to the back of the house.

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